The Munekata Sisters (1950)


**** (A must-see)

Directed by Yasujiro Ozu

Written by Kogo Noda, Jiro Osaragi, and Ozu

With Kinuyo Tanaka, Hideko Takamine, Ken Uehara and Chishu Ryu

Traditionalism versus modernity, true feelings versus obligations, family and marriage. For those familiar with Ozu, no surprises there. Even if he obviously changed over the years, the core never really did. But why would it? Ozu made wonderful movies and kept doing so until his death. This is yet another of such wonderful movies.

Ozu made this after Late Spring, and before Early Summer. Perhaps that is the reason so many seem to have forgotten this excellent work of art. While not as perfect as some of his true masterpieces, this is still better than most famous director’s best works. And some moments are just as memorable as those from earlier mentioned masterpieces.